Our nation and world are in crisis. Perhaps not as serious as Nazi Holocaust crisis, but people every where are indeed living in fear of some catastrophe lurking round the next turn. In our country alone, people are loosing their jobs, their families, homes and battles with life threatening illnesses every day. People are fiercely fighting demons such as addiction, living in loveless relationships and coping with the unique and grueling challenges of simply being a good parent.
Unlike recent years, today's choices do not include travel brochures to exotic places and shopping sprees for just the right Capri's to wear on the beach. No, these days we are faced with much tougher choices like whether to buy medicine for our sick child or food to feed the whole family for the week. Things are very raw and basic. When did life get to be so hard? I wonder.
I can't help but look for some kind of purpose in all the discourse though. My faith and unending hope for a bright future, forces me to look for meaning in it all; and I could come up with any number of rationalizations as to why mankind suffers. One thing I do believe, is that if nothing else, situations of crisis and suffering are our chance to be strong for one another as human beings. We are to cry together, carry and uplift each other through this journey.
Seems these most trying of times are when we as a society really get to shine and show what we are made of. We really do need one another. I'm here for you if you need a friend. Will you do the same for the next person?
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